17 Sep Your Business in the Mirror
In a time of great revolutions and changes, such as the one we are in now, many companies fail and many others are born, and that is precisely why issues such as brand e corporate image Are more relevant than ever.
But what needs to be done for our new company logo to be effective?
The development of a new brand cannot be merely the subjective opinion of the individual, perhaps inexperienced in the subject, who chooses or "self-creates" his or her own logo, but must arise from an in-depth study of the meanings related to color variations, font choice, and much more.
The choice of font (font), for example, is related to the target job sector and the slice of the market you want to go to.
It is also essential to recall other well-known brands in the relevant industry that convey positive unconscious associations in the consumer's mind related to reliability and brand loyalty.
Also the choice of colors is crucial, and it is always good to remember that it cannot be a subjective choice, linked to simple personal taste, but must refer to in-depth studies related to the specific target audience.
A logo must, not only, Be original and graphically balanced, but also technically reproducible in all its possible applications on visual/graphic material. Technical features that a person not in the trade would not even imagine.
Moreover, it is not with excess color, shapes or various frills that the strength or selling power of a logo is delineated.
More often than not, it is the essentials that take center stage.
Who would have thought that a simple white mustache or apple would create a market of unimaginable proportions?
Mixing creativity, professionalism, energy and knowledge can be the winning key to branding your project.
Professionals in the field who know how to listen and fully understand your needs and requests, blending the necessary technical features with your emotions, will be able to bring your project to life.
Does your company's brand really express your energy, or that of an executive graphic designer who did nothing more than take a prepackaged logo and attach your company name to it?
Objects, as well as symbols and in this case brands convey the energy of the people who created them...
Choose well who you want to entrust your entrepreneurial future to...